翻板车库门的安全系统 |
添加时间:2019/12/9 14:46:38 浏览次数: |
翻板车库门的安全系统:如降遇阻力反弹系统,该设施能让门体遇阻力停止,既保护人身与车辆进出安全,又保护门的可靠使用;红外线传感器控制系统,有效保障人、车辆、宠物的进出安全;防盗报警系统,当有人撬门时高音喇叭将发出警报,保护安全. 同时设有停电备用电池工作功能,停电后无需手动开门. Safety system of flap garage door: in case of resistance rebound system, the facility can stop the door body in case of resistance, not only protect the safety of people and vehicles in and out, but also protect the reliable use of the door; infrared sensor control system, effectively guarantee the safety of people, vehicles and pets in and out; anti theft alarm system, when someone crows the door, the tweeter will give an alarm to protect the safety; meanwhile, it is equipped with power cut standby power Pool working function, no need to open the door manually after power failure |
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