A 手动开门,门若运行不灵活或不平衡,请专业维修人员进行调整。
A opens the door manually. If the door does not operate flexibly or unbalance, the professional maintenance personnel should be adjusted.
B 检查门是否全开和关严,若不能则调整行程限位开门或调整负载力旋钮。
B check whether the door is open and strict, if you can not adjust the limit of the travel limit or adjust the load force knob.
C 重新做好安全反应测试,做必要调整。请维修人员检查线缆,门体平衡弹簧及其它硬件。
C do a good job of safety reaction test and make necessary adjustments. Please check the cable, the door balance spring and other hardware.