





安装注意事项 Install the note 为了确保您的安全,减少事故发生,安装之前请您务必详尽地阅读安装使用手册,并严格按照安装使用手册提示的步骤进行操作。如果您在操作中遇到疑难问题,请您咨询专业安装人员或经销商。 In order to ensure your safety and reduce the occurrence of accidents, please read the installation manual and follow the instructions carefully in accordance with the installation instructions. If you encounter difficulties in operation, please consult a professional installer or dealer. 1)安装时务必请安装人员对门体进行检查,只允许在平衡良好的门体上安装开门机,否则可能造成严重的后果。 1) make sure that the installation personnel check the door body and only allow the door to be installed on the well-balanced door, otherwise serious consequences can be caused. 2)门体正在运行时,严禁人或物体从门体下方通过,或在门体下方停留。 2) when the door body is running, it is forbidden to pass under the body or to stop under the door body. 3)禁止在看不到门体运行情况的地方操作遥控器,以免造成安全事故或车库门误开。 3) it is forbidden to operate the remote control in places where the door is not visible, so as not to cause a security accident or a false open garage door. 4)门体两侧水平导轨末端应加机械限位装置,防止门体滑出。 4) the horizontal guide end of the door body should be equipped with mechanical limit device to prevent the door body slipping out. 注意:如果您的车库门无侧门,请您务必安装一套停电快速解锁装置,以便在停电时可以从外部手动开启门体。 Note: if your garage door has no side door, you must install a set of power failure quick unlocking device so that the door can be opened manually during power failure. 选购合适的车库门是要依靠较好的技术能力,或专业的自动门公司,有专业的技术团队,并能及时为客户排除各种故障,产品全部符合国家规定的技术要求、质量标准和安全标准,是客户选购自动门的最佳选择。 Suitable garage door of choose and buy is to rely on good technical ability, or professional automatic door company, has a professional technical team, and be able to timely eliminate all sorts of problems for the customer, all products conform to the provisions of the state of technical requirements, quality standards and safety standards, is a customer to choose the best choice for automatic door.


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版权 © 衡水电动门厂 网址:http://hengshui.89ix.com  推荐:衡水电动门,衡水伸缩门,衡水车库门
